Student Life Overview

A typical day at St. Andrews starts when the bell tolls at 8.25 am and the students assemble for the morning assembly. The morning assembly marks the beginning of the day with the delivery of a crisp and clear message. Throughout the day the energy in school is palpable, classrooms energised with learning activities, the smart turnout of the drill class, the lively melodies ringing out from the music room, the silence of the library, the magic of our computer wizards – St. Andrews is an embodiment of a wholesome school experience. From counselling to intensive sports programme to the specially designed programmes for students with learning difficulties, we cater to the needs of each one of our students.

An ideal combination of learning and fun can be found in the club and co-curricular activities and in the high-spirited inter-house competitions. Classroom learning using the thought-provoking methods capture the minds of students. Sharing lunches, accompanying a sick classmate to the infirmary and reaching out to someone in need - there’s never a boring moment at St. Andrews. From the toddlers of playschool to the seniors ready to step out, an Andrewite has a lot to offer the world.

Bell Schedule
08:25 am - First Bell
08:28 am - Second Bell
Morning Assembly
08:30 am to 08:45 am
08:45 am to 09:30 am - Period 1
09:30 am to 10:10 am - Period 2
Short Recess
10:10 am to 10:25 am
10:25 am to 11:05 am - Period 3
11:05 am to 11:45 am - Period 4
11:45 am to 12:15 pm
12:15 pm to 01:00 pm - Period 5
01:00 pm to 01:40 pm - Period 6
01:40 pm to 02:20 pm - Period 7
02:20 pm to 03:00 pm - Period 8
03:00 pm - Final Bell
Sports Training / Club Activities
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm
House Systems

Students of St. Andrews belong to one of four Houses and remain in that House until they leave school. This system promotes participation in all capacities of school life. Houses compete against each other for points in tournaments, activities and competitions that are organised throughout the year. The House System is deeply entrenched and occupies a prominent place in the school life of the students. Traditionally, students are placed in the same house as their siblings.

Student Council

The school offers opportunities for students to take up responsibilities in order to develop leadership skills. The Student Council is proactive in every sphere of student life. Appointment to the Student Council is an honour bestowed to deserving students by the school community. Aspiring candidates are expected to have an exemplary record not just in academics but in behaviour too. An all important and solemn investiture ceremony is held, at the beginning of the academic year, to formally welcome such students into the Student Council.

Clubs and Organisations

Discovery is an important part of learning and by offering an extensive range of extra-curricular activities we emphasise on the importance of intellectual curiosity and independence of mind and spirit. Vital to this development, students are offered ample opportunities to discover their creativity, ability and strength through a range of sporting, artistic, cultural and social activities, which run parallel to their academic endevours. Each day, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, students are given time to pursue extracurricular activities of their choice. The school strongly believes in the power of art in enriching lives and is a melting pot of artistic options available for the students to choose from – music, drama, dance or visual art.

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    School Band

    St. Andrews School Band is well known throughout the state of Telangana. With well over 50 playing members, it is one of the largest high school marching bands.

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    NCC – National Cadet Corps

    The cadet training programme is open to boys and girls of Classes VIII & IX. The NCC offers a variety of activities that allow these young boys and girls to develop teamwork and leadership skills. The NCC parade is held every Thursday after school.

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    Music plays a huge part in the life of the school. St. Andrews School Choir is arguably one of the most renowned and accomplished school choirs singing in 4-part harmony i.e., Soprano, Alto, Bass and Tenor. Choir practices are held once a week.

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    Literary Club

    The Literary Club was established to promote literary awareness and appreciation of the various literary genres. Activities undertaken by the club include public speaking, debate, theatre, critiquing, creative writing and much more.

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    This club offers a competitive platform for those who are passionate about general knowledge. The club members meet twice a week to hone their skills in current affairs as well as prepare for competitions within and outside St. Andrews.

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    Youth for Service is dedicated to helping others. St. Andrews encourages students to think beyond themselves and help those around them. Activities range from organising events for underprivileged children, senior citizens, the disabled and the homeless. Additionally, a mentoring programme called 'Reach Out' has been instituted where YFS volunteers help underprivileged students with their schoolwork.

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